Advanced Engineering Technology

Courtesy of Sakhalin Energy Investment Co., Ltd.

Engineering for IT

Information Technology is advancing incredibly fast and its use in the field of engineering, as well as other fields, is increasing rapidly. Thus, Chiyoda is doing its best to ensure we keep up with the latest technology and innovation encouraging its advancement and use within the group of companies. Information Technology is an effective way to improve working procedures and processes enabling us to be more productive and more efficient specially in accomplishing difficult design works. Plant design and construction work has the following four major characteristics:

  • Diverse types of clients, equipment and materials, and plants
  • Large amount of complicated equipment and materials, documents, and data
  • A wide range of design/procurement/construction work with occasional conflicting work procedures
  • Globally located joint ventures (J/V), overseas design offices, manufacturers, construction sites, and client offices

Offering these flexible plant services requires advanced Information Technology rather than automation with its fixed procedures. Chiyoda had constructed and has evolved i-PLANT21 engineering systems, a consolidated flexible IT systems, which are proven dependable and reliable during project engineering.
i-PLANT21, Chiyoda’s integrated project engineering system, uses advanced Information Technology integrated processes to seamlessly link Design (E), Procurement (P), and Construction (C) which makes EPC more reliable with enhanced control from view point of construction completion. Added seamless link between purchasing cost and actual Man-hour from corporate system makes Project control more accurate and stable. Each IT system in i-PLANT21 has integrated well enough so that individual systems are available with maintained consistency between systems.
i-PLANT21 is intended also to be utilized globally from any place all over the world at any time wherein IT infrastructure and governance including user management and other IT related items are managed globally.

i-PLANT21TM IT System for EPC

  • Integrate Engineering, Procurement and Construction in seamless and maximum reliability of EPC.
  • Allocate the most advanced and reliable IT systems.