Safety Performance

Following Occupational Health and Safety Management System, we set a company-wide HSE*1 goal in each fiscal year and develop a company-wide HSE program. Based on this company-wide program, each section extends concrete activities of safety management. In FY2023, our company set a safety performance goal of industrial accident rate TRIR*2 which includes medical treatment and restriction of work (accidents not accompanied by lost workdays) to be below 0.5 (domestic) and below 0.15 (overseas)

    • 1: Health, Safety and Environment
    • 2: Total Recordable Incident Rate (Following OSHA, U.S.A. definition)

Our group’s onsite safety records show accident-free and disaster-free continuous working hours reaching 60 to over 80 million hours in multiple overseas projects as seen in the chart below.

We will continue to strive for accident-free and disaster-free environment so that all our fellow workers can be back to their beloved family safe and sound.

Accident-free and disaster-free continuous working hours based on OSHA U.S.A definition