Information Security Management System

As computerization and the growth of networks progress in our advanced information society, the threats of illegal / unauthorized access to our computer systems increase, requiring a well-organized, comprehensive management system for information security.

The Chiyoda Group’s Information Security System

The Chiyoda Group believes that the maintaining confidentiality and integrity of and maximizing the use of its own business and technical information resources entrusted to Chiyoda by its business partners such as clients, licensors and joint venture partners are fundamental to the Company’s reliability since its founding. Chiyoda has established its Information Security Management System (ISMS) based on the British Standards Institution (BSI) of the United Kingdom for BS7799:1999, since 2001, and has been certified by the world-renowned certification body for ISO/IEC 27001 since 2007. Chiyoda Group companies have also established and implemented ISMS based on ISO/IEC 27001 according to their respective business types.

Protecting Personal Information

Following amendment of the Private Information Protection Law in 2015, which reflects the arrival of the BIG DATA era through the development of information and communication technology in recent years, Chiyoda group has revised our personal information protection rule. The revision clarifies and further regulates “personal information” ensuring its lawful use does not breach an individual’s right to privacy.

Operation of Information Security System

The Chiyoda Group continuously implements, maintains and improves ISMS to enhance its effectiveness in accordance with the Corporate Information Security Policy.

Information Security Training
The Chiyoda Group conducts ISMS group lectures twice a year for all employees to improve ISMS operation such as execution of establishment for ISMS and learning of ISMS incident prevention. Totally 1839 employees attended in FY2020.

Improvement of Information Security
The Chiyoda Group has designated every February as Information Security Months, when several programs are promoted for improvement of information security.
ISMS brief correspondence is issued for attention, in case that Information Security incident occurred and Information Security risk was discovered.

ISO/IEC 27001 Certification and Privacy Mark

The following Chiyoda Group companies have acquired ISO/IEC 27001 certification of their ISMS and/or the Privacy Mark as evidence of their promotion of information security and protection of personal information, respectively.

ISO/IEC27001:2022 Certificate

【ISO/IEC 27001】

  • Chiyoda Corporation: certified in 2007
  • Chiyoda Philippines Corp.: certified in 2010
  • Chiyoda Almana Engineering LLC: certified in 2012

【Privacy Mark】

  • Chiyoda U-Tech Co., Ltd.: certified in 2005