Our purpose
August 1, 2023
Enriching Society through Engineering Value
Our Mission
May 1, 2024 (Rev.1)
April 1, 2021
Grow as a fully integrated engineering company aiming for harmony between energy and the environment while contributing to a healthy, prosperous and sustainable society through our profound engineering expertise and systematically developed technology.
- Chiyoda Group Principles
Basic principles of work styles and systems to continue transforming corporate culture
1. Think and act proactively, be responsible
2. Know the “chai n of responsibilities”
3. Pursue work s with shared value that realize economic and social value simultaneously
4. Understand the importance of risk management that protects the company from “Damages to the Company’ s value”5. Understand the value of human resources
CSR Policy
- Chiyoda Group CSR Policy
May 9, 2018 (Rev.3)
December 6, 2017 (Rev.2)
April 1, 2009 (Rev.1)
April 1, 2006- A Reliable Company
We strive to be a reliable company to our customers and all our stakeholders by providing world-class technologies and knowledge.
- Environmental Initiatives
We will work to remain an invaluable company to society by utilizing refined technologies to promote harmony between the global environment and economic and social activities.
- Social Contributions
Through our engineering business in Japan and overseas, we contribute to local communities and address global issues in ways including human resources development, technology transfer and environmental protection.
- Respect for Human Rights
We are dedicated to respecting the human rights of all people. We will create a corporate culture where the diversity, individuality and character of employees are respected, where people are motivated to do their best, and of which employees and their families are proud.
- Commitment to Fairness
We are dedicated to achieving even greater transparency and stability by conducting our operations fairly in accordance with the highest ethical standards.
- A Reliable Company
Code of conducts / Conduct Guidelines
- Chiyoda Group Code of Conducts
Chiyoda Group acknowledges that earning the trust and understanding of clients and society forms the basis of our business activities. To ensure that our business activities conform to social standards, we fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations as well as our own rules.
To achieve this aim, we set the Code of Conduct of the Chiyoda Group as provided below in April 2006, and the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) was appointed in charge of everything related to compliance by the Chiyoda Group in April 2018.
We review the Code of Conduct every year, taking into account the new legislation, legal reform and transformation of social demand.April 1, 2009(Rev.1)
April 1, 2006Chiyoda Group acknowledges that earning the trust and understanding of clients and society forms the basis of our business activities. To ensure that our business activities conform to social standards, we fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations as well as our own rules, and conduct business activities in accordance with the following principles.
- Commit to excel in achieving the highest standard of quality to best serve our clients and society with reliable services using cutting-edge technologies.
- Conduct business with transparency, and fair competition, in order to earn the trust and confidence of society, clients, and third parties concerning our corporate activities.
- Ensure timely and fair disclosure of information which stakeholders have the right to know, and promote constructive dialogues with the wider community.
- With the understanding that helping to solve environmental issues is an essential part of Chiyoda Group’s business activities, contribute to the society by cooperating with government agencies in solving environmental issues.
- Stand strong against organized crime and never let criminal (or potentially criminal) individuals or groups benefit by their use of extortion or deceit.
- Protect personal data and client proprietary information, and handle intellectual property with utmost care to avoid infringing on intellectual property rights.
- Clearly distinguish private life from work, and refrain from any conflicting actions which undermine Chiyoda Group’s interests.
- Respect human rights, diversity of cultures, and individual differences as well as endeavor to ensure every employee’s health and safety by providing a suitable working environment.
- Chiyoda Group’s leadership hereby commit themselves to live the spirit and intent of the Code and implement by exercising leadership and setting an example as role models. Leadership shall also be prepared to listen to stakeholders inside and outside of Chiyoda Group, and if anything contrary to the Code is detected, commit themselves to corrective action and to remediate any internal control discrepancies.
("Chiyoda Group Conduct Guidelines" provides the detail instructions based on the Code of Conduct.)
- Chiyoda Group Conduct Guidelines
April 1, 2021(Rev.9)
July 1, 2019(Rev.8)
October 1, 2018(Rev.7)
July 1, 2017(Rev.6)
April 1, 2017(Rev.5)
September 1, 2016(Rev.4)
November 1, 2012(Rev.3)
April 1, 2009(Rev.2)
April 1, 2008(Rev.1)
April 1, 2006All executives and employees of Chiyoda Group shall fully comprehend the spirit of the Code and conduct their activities in compliance with the following:
- Commit to excel in achieving the highest standard of quality to best serve our clients and society with reliable services using cutting-edge technologies.
- Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and rules in all business activities and undertakings.
- Obtain all licenses, approvals and permits required to carry out business, promptly submit notices and reports to the relevant authorities where necessary, and properly follow appropriate procedures.
- Conduct business with transparency, and fair competition, in order to earn the trust and confidence of society, clients, and third parties concerning our corporate activities.
- Never improperly restrict business transactions in terms of price, volume, division of market or other agreements with competitors and/or industry organizations.
- Never collaborate with competitors or industry organizations to refuse or terminate business transactions with a new market entrant or a specific targeted company.
- Never suppress subcontractors’ legitimate interests and rights.
- Adhere to all international trade treaties, laws and regulations within Chiyoda Group’s area of operation.
- Comply with all relevant security trade control laws and regulations, and ensure that the products, technologies, and services to be exported are not restricted or sanctioned.
- Properly follow all necessary procedures required by government regulatory authorities in Chiyoda Group’s areas of operation.
- Never offer improper gifts or economic benefits to government officials, employees of de facto governmental organizations of Japan or any other country, or to any other stakeholders.
- Do not offer excessive or extravagant gifts or entertainment to executives and employees of clients/business partners and adhere to internationally acceptable and sound business practices.
- Never offer gifts with value exceeding the legal limitations set by local laws.
- Never accept gifts or entertainment outside of socially acceptable norms.
- Ensure timely and fair disclosure of information which stakeholders have the right to know, and promote constructive dialogues with the wider community.
- Never trade stocks or securities of the company or other listed companies while possessing material non-public information or induce others to trade by disclosing such information.
- Promote better understanding with shareholders and investors through proactive and fair disclosure and constructive investor relations.
- In a timely manner produce accurate records and financial reports in regards to finance, accounting and taxes.
- With the understanding that helping to solve environmental issues is an essential part of Chiyoda Group’s business activities, contribute to the society by cooperating with government agencies in solving environmental issues.
- Adhere to all environmental treaties, laws, regulations, and endeavor to protect the environment.
- Conduct business activities while also taking into consideration the impact they may have on climate change, the natural environment, and ecosystems.
- Strive to reduce the volume of waste materials by using energy efficient products and take steps to recycle or otherwise use materials effectively to avoid wastage.
- Stand strong against organized crime and never let criminal (or potentially criminal) individuals or groups benefit by their use of extortion or deceit.
- Never resort to compromises when improper demands are made by organized crime by means of extortion or deceit, and swiftly report to and seek advice from the department in charge.
- Be sensitive even in usual business settings as to whether the influence of organized crime could be indirectly involved. Refuse to enter into any transactions if such organizations are involved.
- Protect personal data and client proprietary information, and handle intellectual property with utmost care to avoid infringing on intellectual property rights.
- Safeguard the proprietary information of Chiyoda Group, clients, and others obtained through business activities, prevent information leakage, and use such information solely for their intended purposes.
- Prevent unauthorized disclosure of confidential information. Before disclosing any Chiyoda Group proprietary information for business purposes, ensure that a confidentiality agreement is duly signed by the other party in accordance with internal rules.
- Be cautious in dealing with external requests and inquiries. Always properly coordinate with the appropriate department.
- Honor and respect confidentiality agreements and never use or disclose confidential information obtained through business activities for an unauthorized purpose (e.g. personal use) even after leaving Chiyoda Group.
- Respect intellectual property rights and never infringe any copyright and/or patent (e.g. do not make unauthorized copies of computer software).
- Clearly distinguish private life from work, and refrain from any conflicting actions which undermine Chiyoda Group’s interests.
- Never misappropriate company resources, assets, or funds for personal use or interests.
- Never use company information systems improperly or for personal purposes.
- Respect human rights, diversity of cultures, and individual differences as well as endeavor to ensure every employee’s health and safety by providing a suitable working environment.
- Respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights*1, international labor standards*2 and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights*3.
- Respect all human rights. Never discriminate on the basis of race, faith, religion, gender, sexual orientation and/or gender identity, nationality, age, place of birth, disabilities, medical conditions, etc.
- Never engage in or allow any form of harassment, bullying or discrimination pertaining to gender, power, or maternity.
- Respect cultural differences, promote harmony and balance among international communities, regional social standards and local customs.
- Maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
- Disseminate knowledge on safety and advocate the importance of safety.
- Promote Work-Life Balance.
*1: The Declaration adopted at the United Nations 3rd General Assembly on the 10th December 1948,
aiming for every nation and personnel to attain the goals of basic human rights.
*2: The International Labor Organization (ILO) adopted 188 treaties and 200 recommendations up to
June 2010, covering labor social issues including labor conditions, occupational safety and health,
labor management relations, employment, vocational training, social security, sailor related matters
*3: The global standard adopted by the United Nations Human Rights board of directors, for every nation
and company to follow.
- Chiyoda Group’s leadership hereby commit themselves to live the spirit and intent of the Code and implement by exercising leadership and setting an example as role models. Leadership shall also be prepared to listen to stakeholders inside and outside of Chiyoda Group, and if anything contrary to the Code is detected, commit themselves to corrective action and to remediate any internal control discrepancies.
Supplementary provisions
- The Code and these Guidelines apply to executives and employees of Chiyoda Group also including executive advisers, temporary staffs, and employees seconded to group companies.
- These Guidelines were prepared to primarily apply within Japan, and therefore shall be adjusted in accordance with local laws and regulations for applications outside of Japan while maintaining the original intent of the Code.
- Violation of these Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action in accordance with company rules taking into account the nature and seriousness of such violation.
- The Code and these Guidelines shall come into effect on April 1, 2006.
- Chiyoda Corporation signed the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in November 2012. All executives and employees of Chiyoda Group shall fully understand and respect the spirit of UNGC when carrying out business activities.
- Dates of revision made to these Guidelines: Final revision April 1, 2021
- Commit to excel in achieving the highest standard of quality to best serve our clients and society with reliable services using cutting-edge technologies.
Corporate Policy
- Human Rights Policy
April 1, 2021
The Chiyoda Corporation Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Chiyoda Group”) recognizes the importance of respecting human rights in all its business activities, including domestic and overseas construction site operations and global procurement activities. In order to promote human rights initiatives and meet our responsibilities to respect human rights, the Chiyoda Group has established its Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) as follows.
The Policy applies to all officers and employees of the Chiyoda Group. We also expect our business partners, including our suppliers, and other related parties involved in the business activities of the Chiyoda Group to understand and follow the Policy.
1. Respect for Human Rights
The Chiyoda Group understands that in the course of its business activities, it may, whether directly or indirectly, have an impact on human rights. As a member of society, we also recognize the importance of respecting human rights in our business activities.The Chiyoda Group respects internationally recognized human rights as set out in the International Bill of Human Rights(*1) and the core labor standards as set out in the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work(*2), and implements human rights initiatives in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights(*3).
The Chiyoda Group will comply with the applicable laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which it operates. In the event that the domestic laws and regulations of the country or the region conflict with international human rights standards, we will seek ways to honor the principles of internationally recognized human rights to the extent possible without violating the domestic laws and regulations of the country or the region concerned.
Chiyoda Corporation signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2012 and supports its Ten Principles.
(*1) The International Bill of Human Rights refers to three internationally-recognized human rights documents: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted at the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 aiming for every nation and personnel to attain the goals of basic human rights, and its corresponding two international treaties adopted at the United Nations General Assembly in 1966, namely the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(*2) The International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work adopted at the International Labor Conference in June 1998 sets out principles concerning fundamental rights in four categories as minimum labor standards to be protected: freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, the effective abolition of child labor, and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
(*3) The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, endorsed by the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2011, provide the authoritative global standard for action related to human rights in a business context, clarifying what is expected by governments and companies to address adverse effects on human rights arising from business activity
2. Human Rights Due Diligence
The Chiyoda Group will establish and conduct due diligence to identify any adverse impacts on human rights that may relate to its business activities and seek to prevent or mitigate such impact in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.If we identify that we have caused or contributed to adverse impacts on human rights, we will make efforts to remediate such impacts. We also provide access to effective remedy for those whose rights have been violated through our grievance system.
3. Priority Human Rights Issues
The Chiyoda Group recognizes the following human rights issues as important elements of our responsibilities to respect human rights.- Elimination of Discrimination and Harassment: Never engage in, nor tolerate, any form of discrimination or harassment.
- Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor: Never engage in, nor tolerate, any form of forced labor or child labor.
- Respect for Diversity and Work-Life Balance: Respect diversity in the workplace and support the realization of work-life balance.
- Occupational Health and Safety: Endeavor to ensure the health and safety of every employee by providing a suitable working environment.
- Working Hours and Wage: Manage working hours and pay wages appropriately.
- Respect for Basic Labor Rights: Respect basic labor rights including freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
- Harmony with Society: Strive for harmony with society and respect the human rights of stakeholders in the local communities.
4. Awareness Raising and Education
The Chiyoda Group will continually provide all its officers and employees with appropriate education and training in order to raise their awareness and disseminate and comply with this Policy throughout the Group.5. Monitoring and Information Disclosure
The Chiyoda Group will regularly monitor its status of compliance with this Policy and make improvements as necessary. At the same time, we will regularly disclose information on our human rights initiatives based on the Policy on our website and the like.
We will also engage in sincere dialogues and discussions with affected stakeholders or any other relevant parties regarding our response to human rights impacts.
- D&I (Diversity & Inclusion) Policy
October 1, 2023
The Chiyoda Group responds to change, creates social value and fulfills its purpose of ‘Enriching Society through Engineering Value’ by respecting diversity in terms of gender, nationality, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, working style, role, etc. The Group promotes a working environment that unites diverse opinions, wisdom, experience, abilities and technological capabilities and in which all individuals are respected and can demonstrate their ability.
- Corporate SQE Policy
April 28, 2021
Chiyoda Corporation, including its group companies (Chiyoda Group) recognizes that all corporate activities must be performed in a responsible manner, leading to ‘sustainable development’, by balancing the advancement of humankind and conservation of the global environment.
Chiyoda Group will, through cooperation with our customers, concerned companies, governmental authorities and communities, endeavor to satisfy the requirements and needs of our customers and society by applying the following Safety, Quality and Environmental (SQE) policy.
- Recognize that all personnel have a duty and responsibility to promote SQE activities and enhance SQE awareness, knowledge and competence through continual education and training.
- Provide products and services that meet the requirements of customers and society related to SQE by utilizing Chiyoda Group’s technology and engineering capabilities for customer facilities and equipment or the Chiyoda Group.
- Minimize SQE risks, including occupational injuries and ill health throughout the project lifecycle including planning, design, procurement and construction and manage risks to ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’ (ALARP) by identifying every potential hazard and implementing proper controls.
- Optimize the use of natural resources and energy, reduce effluent and waste and recover reusable material to achieve a low-carbon society through carbon management, and apply research and development of technologies to prevent or resolve environmental challenges, spreading such technologies globally.
- Comply with relevant SQE legislation and regulations and other requirements to which the Chiyoda Group subscribes.
- Ensure the continual improvement of SQE management systems.
All Chiyoda Group personnel, regardless of workplace, will adhere to the directives set forth in this policy.
Through our SQE activities, we will be the most reliable company in the world.
- Corporate Information Security (IS) Policy
August 9, 2016
The Chiyoda Corporation, including its group companies (“Chiyoda Group”) securely maintain and manage all information assets. We fully recognize that information assets offered by customers and business partners are treated as a top priority as per this policy by all personnel engaged in the duties of our group to promote information security management activities.
- Observe information security laws, regulations and contract conditions with customers and business partners;
- Implement an information security management system and corporate regulations to maintain and manage all information assets;
- Take effective control measures to mitigate the risks associated with any information security incident such as theft, leakage, loss, falsification or misuse;
- Prevent re-occurrence of an information security incident by review of management systems and corporate regulations as appropriate;
- Continually increase awareness of the importance of information security to all Chiyoda Group personnel through the implementation of appropriate instructions and edifications.
This policy is applicable to all Chiyoda Group personnel to prevent an information security incident and to maintain and raise the Chiyoda brand status.
Every person in Chiyoda Group is required to follow the policy.
- Privacy Policy
July 2, 2018
The Chiyoda Group recognizes that appropriately protecting and handling personal information is a prerequisite in our activities and endeavors to protect personal information in accordance with the following policy.
- The acquisition and use of personal information shall be conducted fairly and in compliance with applicable laws and personal information shall be used only for a definitive and legitimate need.
- Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for other than the originally intended purpose and shall not be used or disclosed for any reason outside the intent and need of the original purpose.
- Personal information shall be correctly and accurately maintained.
- Personal information shall not be retained beyond the period required for the original purpose.
- Personal information shall not be provided or disclosed to a third party without consent from the person concerned, except in cases where the Chiyoda Group is required to supply such information by order of a court, legal authority or other official body. In cases where personal information is made available to a third party, except a court, legal authority or other official body, it is mandatory to conclude binding confidentiality contracts with third parties concerning personal information.
- The Chiyoda Group shall quickly and sincerely respond to inquiries and requests for modifications, amendments or deletions from individuals regarding their personal information.
- Appropriate security measures shall be taken to protect personal information from unauthorized access, revisions, disclosure and/or losses due to an accident.
- A management and operation system shall be established and continuously improved as required to assure implementation of this policy.
All personnel in the Chiyoda Group, regardless of place of work, shall adhere to the directives set forth in this policy.
- Tax Policy
September 3, 2018
The Chiyoda Group, in recognizing its legal obligations to comply with the tax regulations within its countries of operation, provides its Tax Policy as follows:
1. Compliance with Tax Laws and Regulations
Observe all applicable tax laws and regulations, with the highest integrity and ethics, in countries where it conducts business and submit correct and timely tax declarations.
Duly observe international rules, including the OECD*1 and the BEPS*2 Project, when conducting operations and fulfill its global tax responsibilities.
Never conduct business attempting to avoid paying tax or deviate from the purpose intended by applicable laws and regulations.2. Monitoring / Review
Periodically review the Group’s taxation activities, including compliance with relevant country tax laws and international legislation.
Appoint external accounting or tax advisors for advice, when required, to achieve the highest Group tax compliance record and avoid infringing tax laws and regulations.3. Relation with Tax Authorities
Strive to build and maintain trust with tax authorities in countries of operation by ensuring accountability and transparency in tax issues according to relevant laws and regulations.*1 OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development): an international institution of 35 developed countries
to discuss international business, develop the global economy, promote free trade and aid developing countries to
freely exchange opinions and information.*2 Established by the OECD in June 2012 to counter multinational enterprises attempting to avoid paying taxes globally
through Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS). The Project consists of the three pillars of ‘Certainty, Transparency
and Predictability’.
- Chiyoda Group Basic Policy on Prevention of Bribery
April 1, 2024
The Chiyoda Corporation Group (hereinafter referred to as “Chiyoda Group”) has established the following Basic Policy on Prevention of Bribery (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) to clarify Chiyoda Group's basic concept on prevention of bribery and the matters that all officers and employees of Chiyoda Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Chiyoda Personnel”) must comply with to thoroughly prevent bribery.
1. Prohibition of Bribery
Chiyoda Personnel are committed to the following:
(1) Compliance with Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws
Chiyoda Personnel comply with laws and regulations concerning the prohibition of bribery applicable to the countries and regions where we conduct business.
(2) Prohibition of Giving Bribes
Chiyoda Personnel will not, directly or indirectly offer, pay, promise to pay, authorize the payment of or give money, gifts, entertainment or other economic benefits based on improper intent to any person whether domestic or overseas, and whether they are Public Officials (*1) or private citizens. Chiyoda Personnel will not engage in any conduct that could be suspected of being any of those activities. In addition, unless there is a threat to body or life, Chiyoda Personnel will not pay facilitation payments (*2) regardless of the amount, and will firmly refuse any request for bribes and the like.
(3) Prohibition of Accepting Bribes
Chiyoda Personnel will not request or accept money, gifts, entertainment or other economic benefits that are beyond the scope of sound business practices and socially acceptable norms.
*1: "Public Officials" means any person falling under any of the following items a) through g):
a) Any person who engages in public services of the national, state or local governments of Japan or any foreign country.
b) Any person who engages in services for an entity constituted under special laws of Japan or any foreign country, regulations or ordinances to carry out specific tasks concerning public interest (ex. governmental public corporations).*
c) Any person who engages in services for an enterprise in which the national, state or local governments of Japan or any foreign country are directly or indirectly (i) the holders of a majority of the voting stock; (ii) the contributors of more than half of the total capital of such an entity; (iii) appointing or designating a majority of directors or officers; or (iv) the holders of any special rights or veto powers at a general meeting of shareholders**;
d) Any person who engages in public services for an international organization;
e) Any political party or political officials, candidate for a foreign political office;
f) Kings, emirs or persons who are recognized to be in control of the country or the region; or
g) Any person acting in the official capacity for or on behalf of any of the a) through f) above by means of entrustment, agency, or other types of relations.
*2: The term "facilitation payment" refers to a small payment to Public Officials for the purpose of facilitating procedures pertaining to ordinary administrative services, including customs clearance procedures, visa application procedures, and other procedures related to licensing and authorization.
2. Risk Assessment
Chiyoda Group periodically assesses the risk of bribery in our group, reviews the Policy and the measures implemented based on the Policy, and makes continuous improvements.
3. Establishment of System
Chiyoda Group establishes and operates a system to prevent bribery in accordance with the nature of its business, the countries and regions in which it operates, and the risk of bribery, and develops and maintains internal rules and regulations that Chiyoda Personnel must follow.
4. Internal Procedures to Prevent Bribery of Public Officials
In order to prevent bribery of Public Officials, Chiyoda Group has established and implemented internal procedures for the following acts that are considered to pose a high risk of bribery:
(1) Provision of economic benefits including gifts and entertainment to Public Officials
When providing economic benefits to Public Officials, we comply with applicable laws and regulations, internal regulations, and conventional wisdom, and within the scope of socially acceptable norms so as not to cause suspicion or distrust in appearance.
(2) Procedures for employing Agents or Consultants
In order to prevent bribery through third parties, when employing any third party who directly or indirectly is in a position to have contacts with Public Officials in performance of the services (hereinafter referred to as “Agents or Consultants”), Chiyoda Group assesses the risk of bribery related to such Agents and Consultants, and establishes clauses in contracts concluded with the Agents and Consultants, including the provision that bribery must not be carried out.
5. Prohibition of Fraudulent Accounting
Under an appropriate internal control system, Chiyoda Group accurately records all transactions in its books of accounts based on facts and maintains appropriately related materials.
6. Establishment of Consultation, Reporting, and Reporting Systems
Chiyoda Group has established consultation and reporting systems to prevent bribery, and to detect improper conduct and to take appropriate corrective actions at an early stage. In addition, Chiyoda Group takes appropriate measures to ensure that those seeking the consultation and reporting, as well as those cooperating in the investigation, will not be treated unfavorably because of their consultation, reporting, or cooperation in the investigation.
7. Response to Violations
If any actual or potential violation of the Policy is recognized, Chiyoda Group will immediately investigate the facts and take appropriate action. In addition, we will take strict measures against violators in accordance with internal rules.
8. Education and Enlightenment
Chiyoda Group conducts regular education and training for Chiyoda Personnel to thoroughly disseminate the Policy and to further enhance the ethical awareness of Chiyoda Personnel.
9. Monitoring
Chiyoda Group periodically audits and evaluates whether the anti-bribery system based on the Policy is operating properly and improves the anti-bribery system as necessary.
- Declaration of Health and Productivity Management
April 1, 2020
We announce that we will actively promote the maintenance and promotion of the health of our employees (human resources), our greatest asset, as a Declaration of Health and Productivity Management as follows.
Declaration of Health and Productivity Management
Chiyoda Corporation Group believes that maintaining employees' physical and mental health and maximizing their abilities is essential to achieving the Group's management philosophy and improving competitiveness. To achieve this, we will work to support the Health and Productivity Management of our employees.
The company, labor union, health insurance union, employees and their families will work together to promote health so that employees can enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life in and out of work.
We will contribute to society through our business by linking the health of our employees to the vitality of the workplace.