IR Policy

Purpose of IR Activities

Chiyoda Corporation (hereinafter, the “Company”) strives to provide all stakeholders, including institutional and individual shareholders, with timely, relevant and accurate information that allows a proper assessment of corporate value and supports an appropriate valuation in the market. Furthermore, the Company reflects market dialogue and the evaluation of its activities back to corporate management from which decisions about sustainable growth and increased corporate value can be made. This IR Policy is based on the Company’s corporate philosophy and governance policies.

The Company strives to conduct regular conversations with representatives of the investment community, actively disclosing relevant information. The Company recognizes its shareholders as vital stakeholders who should be encouraged to fully understand and strongly support Chiyoda Corporation’s business. For this reason, the Company’s management has made a priority of building a trusting relationship with its shareholders and investors, through the active disclosure of information and enhanced communication.

Basic Approach to IR Activities

The Company promotes open and active IR activities, led by the CEO and with the aim of further enhancing corporate value. It provides all shareholders with comprehensive information on its business performance, highlights areas of potential growth and competitive advantage as well as non-financial information, potential risk factors and appropriate countermeasures, all to support a better understanding and fair evaluation from the market. When disclosing non-financial information the Company will emphasize ESG issues, for example.

In addition, Company information will be disclosed based on principles of fairness, promptness, accuracy, continuity and clarity, to create a constructive dialogue with its shareholders.

IR Organization Structure

The ultimate responsibility for the Company’s IR activities is held by the CEO, and the department in charge of IR activities will engage in regular and frequent communication with the market under the supervision of the CFO.

The IR department feeds market dialogue, evaluations and other relevant information back to the CEO, CFO and other senior management personnel as necessary. Furthermore, the Company will strive to provide senior management participation in meetings with investors, when appropriate and timely.

Disclosure of IR Information

Basic Stance

The Company engages in timely disclosure in accordance with the Securities Listing Regulations approved by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In addition to information requiring disclosure under such regulations, the Company will disclose information deemed to have the potential to significantly impact investment decisions of shareholders, in order to deepen the understanding of all shareholders with regard to the Company's business activities. This information includes not only financial information but also non-financial information on relevant topics. Such information will be disclosed in accordance with the Company’s rules and policies.

IR Quiet Period

The Company designates the three weeks prior to the release of quarterly earnings results as a "quiet" period for IR activities, to prevent information leaks and ensure fair disclosure. During this period, the Company will refrain from answering questions about and commenting on earnings results or any other matters that may affect the valuation of the Company. However, should an event arise that requires immediate disclosure during this period, the Company will disclose the information in a timely and appropriate manner.

Control of Insider Information

In a dialogue with investors, the Company does not discuss any topic that may be deemed “insider information” including important facts that have not been announced publicly. In addition, Chiyoda Corporation has a policy of engaging a minimum of two representatives of the Company in discussions with investors, to ensure complete compliance in the handling of information.

Market Rumors

In principle, the Company does not comment on inquiries about market rumors. However, should the rumor have significant impact on the Company if left unaddressed, the Group will handle it in a prompt and appropriate way.

Positioning on the Company's website

To ensure continuous disclosure of Chiyoda Corporation’s corporate information in a timely and fair manner, the Company utilizes its Investor Relations website. The Company strives to post the information on its website as quickly as possible, and simultaneously provides that information to the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Nevertheless, in the event of an absence of complete information or a technology-related failure (or other factors), the posting may be delayed.