A new management system will commence this spring.
The Chiyoda Group has continuously strived to achieve the goals set out in our Medium-term Management Plan, ‘Chiyoda’s Revitalization Plan - Initiatives for Revitalization and the Future’, since its launch in 2019. We have successfully rejuvenated our company over the past five years, strengthening our commercial foundations by securing profits through the steady execution of projects in existing businesses, while innovating and expanding our business portfolio through the development of new businesses, and reaped the rewards of successfully fulfilling our ‘Vision for 2030’ through management stabilization and sustainable growth.
Our external business environment has been greatly influenced on a large scale by global megatrends such as worldwide geopolitical risks, climate change, changes in population dynamics and technological innovation while such trends also expand business opportunities.
Bold management action is therefore required and a new three-year Medium-term Management Plan, currently being finalized by new management, will be released in this year. We define these three years as an important period for ensuring stable growth for our future with higher resolution of our ‘Vision for 2030’.
Since its founding in 1948 under the philosophy of ‘Servicing Society through Technology’, the Chiyoda Group has applied its technological excellence in the engineering and construction of infrastructure to benefit society.
We will continue striving to achieve our new purpose of ‘Enriching Society through Engineering Value’, combining our engineering and project execution expertise, innovative technological prowess and problem-solving capability in collaboration with customers and partners to conquer society’s modern challenges. Realizing our new purpose to create social value, we will continue contributing to the realization of a sustainable global environment for the benefit of current and future inhabitants of our planet, and respectfully request our stakeholders continued support to achieving this goal.
Masakazu Sakakida
Chairman of the Board
Koji Ota
Representative Director,
President & CEO