Data Sheet

Report on Environmental Initiatives (E)

Environmental Initiatives
Our economic and social activities are intended to continuously enhance our business, while striving toward the objective of harmony between energy and the environment and further contributing to the sustainable development of society.

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CO2 emissions*1
Scope 1 Offices t-CO2 - 67 110 414 349
Sites t-CO2 - 52,875 60,285 85,922 88,869
Subtotal t-CO2 - 52,942 60,395 86,336 89,218
Scope 2 Offices t-CO2 - 5,924 7,408 7,081 5,596
Sites t-CO2 - 10,946 1,435 212 183
Subtotal t-CO2 - 16,870 8,843 7,293 5,779
Scope 1 + 2*2 t-CO2 - 69,812 69,238 93,629 94,997

*1 CO2 emission has been presented by scope since 2020. Chiyoda group offices include overseas group company.
*2 Chiyoda Global Headquarters and Koyasu Office & Research Park are included in domestic office category (Tokyo Office is not included). Joint Venture ratio is applied to overseas construction sites.

Environmental Data of Domestic Construction Site
Industrial waste disposal quantity tons 22,223 13,549 16,577 9,905 3,108
Final landfill disposal quantity tons 1,464 1,432 828 787 472
CO2 emissions t-CO2 4,642 - - - -
Industrial waste recycling rate % 92.8 89.7 95.0 92.1 84.8
Electric manifesto penetration rate % 90.8 90.2 98.98 99.50 76.3
Environmental proposals Examples 236 237 132 138 116
Environmental Data of Overseas Construction Site (Released from FY2019)
Industrial waste disposal quantity tons 6,868 4,097 3,841 12,207 23,184
Final landfill disposal quantity tons 4,624 3,075 1,976 4,873 5,480
CO2 emissions t-CO2 56,970 - - - -
Industrial waste recycling rate % 17.0 3.5 5.6 49.5 75.5
Environmental proposals Examples 111 150 98 59 52
Environmental Data of Chiyoda Group Offices
Power consumption 1,000 kWh 9,313 8,294 8,426 8,415 9,043
Energy consumption kl 3,018 2,678 2,754 2,807 2,953

CO2 emission

t-CO2 5,685 - - - -
Chilled water consumption 1,000 m3 15.2 9.8 11.3 17.0 12.9
Steam consumption GJ 4,633 4,849 5,428 5,434 4,480
Cold water consumption GJ 13,785 10,865 10,938 11,880 12,648
Waste disposal volume tons 281 214 147 208 285
Waste recycling rate % 96.5 92.9 89.7 88.2 94.7
Printing paper consumed tons 70 43 25 23 19

Report on Social Initiatives (S)

Social Initiatives
Through our business we contribute to local communities in many ways including human resources development, initiatives on human rights, labor and social contributions. Further, we will create a corporate culture where the diversity, individuality and character of employees are respected, where people are motivated to do their best, and of which employees and their families are proud of.

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Employee Status
Average years of service Years 12.7 14.2 14.2 12.2 13.3
Average age of employees Years old 41.3 41.2 41.4 41.8 42.2
Turnover rate excluding retirement % 4.7 2.9 3.6 3.3 5.3
Employee Diversity
Ratio of women in new recruited employees % 27





Number of women as new recruits Persons 14 11 7 10 11
Ratio of mid-career recruitment % 16.1 36.7 59.1 66.1 52.2
Ratio of women in all employees % 16 16 17 17 16
Average service years of women Years 9.0 9.4 9.6 9.6 10.1
Number of women in management positions Persons 28 28 54 90 17
Ratio of women in management positions % 3.8 3.7 6.3 8.3 3.5
Ratio of employment of persons with disabilities % 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 2.1
Number of non-Japanese employees Persons 73 77 71 78 76
Assistance for Employees
Number of employees taking childcare leave Persons 28 43 50 68 56
Number of employees taking sick or injured childcare leave Persons 23 18 4 6 8
Number of employees taking nursing care leave Persons 10 10 5 4 6
Number of employees taking temporary retirement for nursing care Persons 1 0 0 0 2
Number of employees working reduced hours for childcare Persons 27 24 31 39 46
Number of employees dispatched for onsite training / onsite instruction Persons 47 24 25 30 50
Volunteer Activities
Number of employees participating in reconstruction assistance Persons 9 - - - 14
Number of employees participating in cleanup activity around the office location Persons 120 25 8 12 122
Vaccine donation by ecocap collection Vaccines 278 207 184 210 228
Donation of school lunch by TABLE FOR TWO Lunches 1,557 1,386 1,288 1,285 1,370

  • Note 1) Regarding the counting of the number of employees, the calculation method has been changed since FY2023 from "including seconded employees from external parties and excluding employees originally hired by Chiyoda and seconded to external parties", to "including the employees originally hired by Chiyoda and seconded to external parties and excluding the seconded employees from external parties".
  • Note 2) The target for counting managerial personnels has been changed since FY2023 from Group Leader level and above (C2 level and above) as stated in the "Action plan for promotion of active women participation" to supervisors and managers as defined by the Labor Standards Act (C1 level and above).

Report on Governance (G)

Governance Initiatives
We are dedicated to achieving increased levels of transparency and stability by conducting our operations fairly, sustainably and in accordance with the highest ethical standards.

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Actions of Compliance
Number of employees receiving compliance training for freshmen and mid-career hire and executive, associate executive Persons 114 114 83 123 106
Number of employees receiving compliance training for overseas assignment, site managers of field offices, export controls and anti-bribery Persons 248 422 1,254 1,788 3,303
Number of employees receiving compliance seminar
*From FY2023, included in the above "Number of employees receiving compliance training".
Persons 711 2,021 1,235 1,921 -
Number of employees receiving compliance e-Learning Persons 5,704 5,189 5,179 5,289 5,064
Number of Reports to the Consultation and Reporting Hotline
(Whistleblowing System)
Reports 98 93 108 64 81
Initiatives for Business Continuity
Business Continuity Plan Training Trainings 0 1 0 2 2
Actions for Information Security
Number of serious information security-related incidents Incidents 0 0 0 0 0
Governance-related Data
Number of outside directors Persons 5 4 4 4 4